What is Search Engine and How it Works?

What is Search Engine and How it Works

Search Engine is an instrument which empowers users to find data on the World Wide Web. They use keywords term entered by user to discover value website that contains full information related to the keyword.

Definition: A Web based device that scans a record of archives for a specific term, expression or text indicated by the user commonly used to allude by web crawlers that found through billions of pages on the web.


Activities Performed by Search Engine




Crawling is the process toward getting all the web pages linked to a website. This task is performed by software called the Web Crawler or Spider. The web crawler is different for different search engines.




Indexing is the way toward making an index of all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a large database from where it can later be recovered. Basically, indexing method is identifying the words and articulations that best depict the page and allocating the page for specific keywords.



When a search request comes, the search engine start works, for example, it analyzes the search query in the pursuit demand with the indexed pages in the database.


Calculating Relevancy:


Since it is likely that more than one page contains the search query, so the search engine begins computing the pertinence of every one of the pages in the index file for the search query. The page which is highly pertinent gets top position in the search engine result page (SERP).


Retrieving Results:

The last step in search engines' exercises is to recover the best matched outcome. The search engine is basically used to get the results which are relevant to the searchers wished to need. It incorporates the following procedure like crawling, indexing, processing, and retrieving results.


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